


おつきさまこんばんは―くつくつあるけのほん4 (福音館 あかちゃんの絵本)



『イラスト、文章ともいたってシンプルですが、とても味のある本です。1歳半の息子に買ったのですが、他の本だと全部読み終わるまでに飽きてしまいますが、この本だけは最後まで聞き、何度も読んでといいます。お月様に向かってこんばんはとお辞儀をしてみせたり、雲がお月様を隠してしまうとふうーっと息を吹きかけて雲を追い払おうとして見せたり・・。そんな息子の姿をみるとこっちまで、なんだか楽しくなってしまいます。とにかくお気に入りで機嫌が悪いときでもこの本を読むと不思議とよくなります。ほんとにお勧めです。魔法の本です! 』


嬉しくて3回も繰り返しましたが、やっぱり同じ。おつきさまの笑顔を見て、嬉しそうに笑います。今4ヶ月ですが、相変わらず喜んでますよ~ 』


22日8時までなら25日にお届! Christmas Cake, Check this!






Christmas eve is 2 nights away. Isn't it fast? Time and tide waits for no man, well said. I won't be surprised if someone tells me that this is the year of 2009, or 2003.

The summer holidays during elementary school had gone too fast, I recalled. There were three semisters for us and the second semister started as the summer holiday ends. I felt Christmas is coming close as I see the dead leaves accumulated on the ground.

Fathers of our age went on an extravagant spree at the Japanese style Cabaret during Christmas week, drunk too much at the new years party, and commuted to their office on early morning of January 4th with blank face working feverishly to support their family.

My generation could have been the first generation that had started to enjoy Christmas with girl friends. Yet, there were lots of fathers having their fun with cabaret hostesses on the other side of the street, enjoying it on the surface though, I assume.

Don't forget to purchase the cake for your Christmas party at home. It seems to become norm for us to enjoy Christmas eve and New years morning at home. How would you say that?

Are we finally starting to enjoy our home or the basic relationship of family?
Or is this the surfacing of the acceptance of the reality? The reality is the acceptance of the fact that we cannot expect the kind of high economic growth during 1960es.


クリスマス準備完了? Are you ready for Christmas?







Last Sunday, I was half day-dreaming in the sun light filled living room wondering how would people respond to the sudden present. It is true "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. " Well, no, I was not that earnest seeker. But I got answers for my question in the evening. It was a part of TV evening news. To sum up, 18.8% people that had got presents had felt disappointed. Which means that the remaining 80+% of the people feel OK whatever they get.

Yes, you are right. There may be some people who doesn't feel anything. But let's not talk about it for now. Listening to this conclusion I thought that it could be nice to send present anyway.

Being so-so age myself, I have got various present at various situation. The smallest could be the present by courtesy of business to the biggest is the letter from my daughter saying thank you for her 7th birthday present. The TV program had started to interview asking what kind of present people wanted by generation. There were nice replies like; "I want my husband", "I want girlfriend" and etc. Most of them replied no hesitation at all. That's nice. People have changed.

I am not sure if this kind of interview involves the "freedom of speech". I have not brought up these inccident for its discussion, so let's go ahead to talk about presents, OK?

The interview was followed by the question that the most impressive present people had got. There was a girl talking about the bouquet of roses presented in the purpose of proposing marriage. Hey! Japaneses are shy in general. So do I, of course. I wondered how many of my generation could have done this kind performance. My, my. . . . It sure has changed a lot from the my era.

And finally the TV program had started to interview children at a kindergarten. Some said Legos, some said Disneys, som said the Anpanman figures.

There were of infinite variety. Japan sure is the affluent society, I think. Are you ready the christmas present for your kids?


紀伊国屋で一番売れてる漫画本: Comic that is ranked #1.


  • レビュー1: 

  • レビュー2: 



  • 巨人がすべてを支配する世界。巨人の餌と化した人類は、巨大な壁を築き、壁外への自由と引き換えに侵略を防いでいた。だが、名ばかりの平和は壁を越える大巨人の出現により崩れ、絶望の闘いが始まってしまう。

  • エレンの生家に眠る「巨人の謎」を求め、壁外調査に乗り出した調査兵団。そこにはアルミンやミカサらの姿も。順調かと思われた道中、突如としてアルミンの前に「女型の巨人」が現れて陣形を破壊し‥‥。


Here's the first rank comic book at Kinokuniya Bookstore, one of the top 3 bookstore in Japan, titled "Shingeki no Kyojin" (means: Marching Giants). That is a story of the world where the giants, I mean the giants the big people (not that baseball team FYI), have everything. The human beings are their food.

Isn't it scary?

The human beings won't be beaten easily, of course. Otherwise the story ends there, right? The human beings sent out a research team in pursuance of the "mastery of the Giants" that was supposed to be at the house where Ellen was born. The team had found there Almin and Mikasa as well. There appeared the women type of Giants in front of the team. . . . .

Here's what the manga enthusiast say about this comic:

  • Review 1: This could be my first time to be drawn by a comic book. The development is fast
    and you don't see the detour and packed with the action, tactics, the mental development of the main characters. They all combine to make me happy. I've heard that this comic will be live action movie in 2013.

    Could that be possible? There are so many gadget that are difficult to see the effect in live action. Well, but there is a few years to go. I really love to see it.

  • Review 2: The comic that is breathlessly fast story development and difficult to guess its direction. Further, I feel that the author is an expert of drawing the character of each role. You may feel that the graphics are a bit short but there are enough hint for the motion, activity and the sentiment of the characters. Especially, I feel satisfied with this volume. I cannot wait the next volume. Besides, it should be quite nice to watch those scenes in the books on the screen.


楽天と来たら、次はebayです。 It's ebay time, my kids. . . .



おっと、 レビューを忘れるところでした。こんなことを言ってます。『雪でも、水でも、泥であろうとも、いっさいかまわず走破できるようなラジコントラックが欲しかったんです。このトラックはまさに理想でした。オールラウンドのトラックで、一般道路も草原も難なく走り抜けてくれます。ほかのトラックに比べても良い買い物だったと思います。耐久性も有りそうだし、走りもすばらしく値段の割には良い買い物だったと思っています。RCトラック入門者には最適でしょうね。』一度お試しください。はまること請け合いです。

As I have quoted Rakuten, I must show you that is #1 seller for kids. The ebay is known as the auction website. Then it is natural to consider that there is the chance to grab what you want dum cheap. For the purpose, you have to fill in the form for your registration. There won't be any misleading comment. So get in ebay for your eternal pleasure.

I have picked the RC division. Because I want it myself. But I have to earn some to pay the price. Yes, it is priced reasonable and is not one of those maniac items.

Here's a customer review: "I got this truck because I wanted a RC car that I could tear through snow, water, and mud; and it can do all of that and more. It is an all around great truck. The truck is very durable and great to run on the road and on grass. It also is a great buy compared to other trucks. It isn't the cheapest but it's a heck of a lot better than any other truck in its price range. I would suggest this truck to anyone who is looking for a starter truck to get into RC cars.(TRAXXAS is the way to go!) "






そこで提案であります。福袋で一そろいできちゃうんならこりゃぁもう、儲けもんちゅうもんですがな、違います? なんせ3万円分の商品を1万円でご提供!なのですから。








仮面ライダー?それとも or Rory's story Cubes?










Rory's Story Cubes is a pocket-sized creative story generator, providing hours of imaginative play for all ages. There are infinite ways to play with Rory's Story Cubes - Try them as a party game or ice-breaker, for literacy development, speaking and listening skills, creative inspiration, a mental workout or problem solving. Anyone can become a great storyteller and there are no wrong answers. Simply roll the cubes and let the pictures spark your imagination.

Well, it is quite the opposite for the Japanese parents. They got boys who wish Rider Mask Belt for the Christmas present. If you check the item here, you'll find that there are number of review saying that they=parents, especially their fathers, enjoy playing along with their sons. Nothing wrong. They have time to play with their kids and enjoy doing so, right? But if our prime minister Noda knows the difference. . . . .(He described himself a loach. It lives in river and hide in the sand, soil or under the materials that is bigger than themselves. and he, I mean Noda, does exactly that. He just neglects whatever he doesn't wish to see. That's nice, but is not the attitude of the top of a country. Right?)

Jenny Williams said: Durability: 5/5, Fun: 5/5, Educational: 5/5

Rory's Story Cubes are a fantastic toy/educational activity. Roll the dice, and create a story on your own, inspired by the images. Or create a cooperative story, with everyone adding to it. Add competitive elements, time limits, or points for using the most dice in your story. There are no limits to using these dice. The more you use them, play with them, and learn from them, the more ideas you will have for their use. The dice are also very well crafted and are a good size. You can also go to story cubes dot com to read other ideas for how to use the cubes, and to read some stories others have come up with. Kids of all ages can play! Parents, too!

ローリーのお話キューブ: ポケットに入るお話創作ツールです。年齢に関わらず何時間やっていても飽きることがありません。遊び方?まず無限と言っても言い過ぎではないでしょう。パーティーゲームとしても秀逸です。座を和ますツールとしても、読み書き能力開発にも、会話能力開発や、創造力開発、頭脳トレーニング、問題解決能力開発など、無限に利用可能です。正しい答えは存在しません。誰でもが偉大なるストーリー・テラー。さいころを振るように数個のキューブを転がして、現れた絵をつないでお話を作ります。



ウィリアムズ氏がこう言っています: 耐久性: 5/5、 楽しさ: 5/5、 教育的価値: 5/5



The Elf on the Shelf : 棚の上のエルフ

Barnes & Nobleってぇ書店をのぞいてみたら、この本が、っていうよりも絵本が一位にランクされています。やっぱりシーズンなんですよね。とんがり帽子をかぶっているのがELF君です。童話も新作がどんどん登場しますからついていかれません。


I stopped by Barnes & Nobles and found this picture book, "the Elf on the Shelf", was ranked the first of top 100 sellers. You feel the season, right? A boy with a cap? or is it a hat? Well anyway, he is the Elf, I assume. There are too many fairy tales that is written lately, I cannot keep track them all. It could be normal to lose track, 'cause your children would grow and eventually stop reading this kind. Instead they start reading comics, aren't they? I feel a bit sorry for that. For there are so many books that can tell them what the life would be from various points.

Here's a review 1:
1.My kids just received this Thanksgiving day as a gift and I am now ordering them for every child I know. It is such a cute idea. Santa sends the elf to watch the children and then the elf reports to Santa every night and comes back to a different spot in the house. My kids wake up with a running start to see who can find the elf first. The kids must name the elf and they really enjoyed that as well. It is such a nice tradition to help make the Christmas Season even more fun and special. I know it will be with our family for a very long time. By: A. Fielding(Boston)

(1) ボストンのフィールディング氏の11月24日付け投稿です。

Review 2. = Durability:4.0 out of 5 stars = Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars = Educational:4.0 out of 5 stars
This review is from: The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole Pixie-Elf (Toy)
This is a tradition that will carry on for generations!

The kit comes with
an elf doll and a book.The book explains that Santa has sent an elf to watch over the children and the elf reports back to Santa each night. The kids get to decide the name for the elf together - this is a touch decision! You read through the book with your child, it explains all the rules, then each night you move the elf to a new spot. One of the rules is that the children cannot touch him - this is a great rule because although he's a sturdy doll, I think he might get loved out much too quickly if they were allowed! The author was so thoughtful to think of all these helpful rules.

* The children cannot touch the elf or he will lose his magic
* The elf can listen to what the children tell him, but cannot talk back, that's Santa's law.
* The elf flies back to the North Pole each night and tells Santa what he has seen - when he comes back he goes to a new spot in the house.

The kids start searching for the elf immediately when they wake up! Knowing Santa is watching has definitely motivated them to be a behave a bit better! This cute little tradition makes the Christmas season more fun. It's a very special tradition in our house. I love that the book has an old fashioned feel to it, the illustrations are wonderful.

* Your children will ask you every night from Halloween to Thankgiving when the elf is coming back!
* You have to remember to move the elf every night! Sometimes this is a bit of a challenge for us. :) However, our elf does sometimes just get comfy in the spot he's in, so he must have decided to come back to the same spot.

It sure is fun, Right?

セットの耐久性: 4/5(5つ☆最高として4つ☆、と言う意味です) 楽しさ: 5/5、 教育的価値 4/5






Diary of a Wimpy Kid



Most people look forward to the holidays
, but the stretch between Thanksgiving and Chsirtmas just makes me a nervous wreck. If you make mistake in the first eleven months of the year, it's not big deal. But if you do something wrong durng the holiday season, you're gonna pay for it.

MAYBE you would've gotten more presents if you hadn't pinched your brother last week!

Hey, that's hell of the words for a kid, right?


