
紀伊国屋で一番売れてる漫画本: Comic that is ranked #1.


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  • 巨人がすべてを支配する世界。巨人の餌と化した人類は、巨大な壁を築き、壁外への自由と引き換えに侵略を防いでいた。だが、名ばかりの平和は壁を越える大巨人の出現により崩れ、絶望の闘いが始まってしまう。

  • エレンの生家に眠る「巨人の謎」を求め、壁外調査に乗り出した調査兵団。そこにはアルミンやミカサらの姿も。順調かと思われた道中、突如としてアルミンの前に「女型の巨人」が現れて陣形を破壊し‥‥。


Here's the first rank comic book at Kinokuniya Bookstore, one of the top 3 bookstore in Japan, titled "Shingeki no Kyojin" (means: Marching Giants). That is a story of the world where the giants, I mean the giants the big people (not that baseball team FYI), have everything. The human beings are their food.

Isn't it scary?

The human beings won't be beaten easily, of course. Otherwise the story ends there, right? The human beings sent out a research team in pursuance of the "mastery of the Giants" that was supposed to be at the house where Ellen was born. The team had found there Almin and Mikasa as well. There appeared the women type of Giants in front of the team. . . . .

Here's what the manga enthusiast say about this comic:

  • Review 1: This could be my first time to be drawn by a comic book. The development is fast
    and you don't see the detour and packed with the action, tactics, the mental development of the main characters. They all combine to make me happy. I've heard that this comic will be live action movie in 2013.

    Could that be possible? There are so many gadget that are difficult to see the effect in live action. Well, but there is a few years to go. I really love to see it.

  • Review 2: The comic that is breathlessly fast story development and difficult to guess its direction. Further, I feel that the author is an expert of drawing the character of each role. You may feel that the graphics are a bit short but there are enough hint for the motion, activity and the sentiment of the characters. Especially, I feel satisfied with this volume. I cannot wait the next volume. Besides, it should be quite nice to watch those scenes in the books on the screen.

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